Immigrant Jesus

I'm not an American citizen. I don't have a lot of spare money at the moment. What I can do is write hymn tunes. So I've written one to this text by Gary Alderson: 1. You ran from oppression, Crossed the baking sand; Found your own safety In an alien land. And Rachel's still weeping, weeping, Weeping for her children. 2. And you found a haven In that far off place; Shielded and welcomed By a...

Church growth or consolidation?

Imagine, if you will, that you're a parent in a fairly middle-class suburban family. You managed to get through university and find a spouse and a job and have some kids, and you're settling down, after a fashion. You find a neighbourhood you can just about afford to buy in, perhaps with help from your parents, with schools that are probably going to be okay... and you move there, and you work...

#notGB15: #GinAndChant tonight 9.30pm BST in the #henswings

Over on Twitter, some of us are having great fun with #notGB15: it's for people who, for a number of reasons, aren't at Greenbelt. Some of us can't camp. Some of us didn't want to leave home. Some of us have commitments that prevent us going. One of the traditions of Greenbelt is "Beer and Hymns". But I feel a bit silly singing hymns on my own, at home. So tonight, in the Hen's Wings, there will...

Seeking an Accompanist/Assistant Organist

St. Andrew's Leytonstone is looking for an Accompanist/Assistant Organist who will play the piano for choir rehearsals for one hour on Thursday nights and play the organ for at least one Sunday service per month, working closely with the current Director of Music. The successful applicant will be a competent musician with an imaginative approach to accompanying choral liturgy. S/he will be able,...

Sermon for Candlemas

Candlemas 2015 Christchurch Wanstead, 8am Malachi 3:1-5 Luke 2:22-40 Candlemas is a sort of pivot or turning point in the church calendar. On this day, we look back to the birth of Christ, giving thanks, and we look ahead: to his death and passion, and ultimately to his resurrection. It's time to remove any remaining Christmas decorations, and start thinking about how we might endeavour to have a...

New Atheism, Christianity, and Identity

Someone re-tweeted this into my timeline today: "This is a test. If you don't believe in God, share/comment/like this image. If you do believe in God, pray that not one single person likes or shares this image. Let's see who wins." Now, there are a few obvious issues here, such as God not necessarily answering our prayers in the way we expect, the exhortation to waste a rich and deep prayer life...

Flash Compline 27th January 2015

There will be a Flash Compline service at 8.30pm on Tuesday, 27th January 2015, at the north end of the Millennium Footbridge. Music: We will use this setting of Compline. We will have a small number of spare copies, which you can purchase for £3 if you want to keep them, or borrow if you don't. Don't worry if you aren't a confident singer -- follow along with the text and see what you can pick...

Flash Compline 16th December 2014 8.45pm

There will be a Flash Compline service at 8.45pm on Tuesday, 16th December 2014, at Christ Church Greyfriars, near St Paul's tube - here's a map Music: We will use this setting of Compline. We will have a small number of spare copies, which you can purchase for £3 if you want to keep them, or borrow if you don't. Don't worry if you aren't a confident singer -- follow along with the text and see...

C of E throwing money at the wrong problem.

I am trying to make sense of the alleged plan to groom talent for high office in the Church of England. The short version seems to be this: there is a plan to create a "talent pool" of people suitable for "high office" (to include bishops and deans, but also incumbents of "large parishes" -- which could easily be the only stipendiary posts left in some dioceses), and give them mandatory business...

Flash Compline 12-12-2014 8.30pm

There will be a Flash Compline service at 8.30pm on Friday, 12th December, just north of Southwark Cathedral, near London Bridge tube and mainline stations - here's a map Music: We will use this setting of Compline. We will have a small number of spare copies, which you can purchase for £3 if you want to keep them, or borrow if you don't. Don't worry if you aren't a confident singer -- follow...