Pasadena Master Chorale

Pasadena Master Chorale is singing "I walked in darkness" at their concert this Saturday evening, along with lots of other Christmas music composed by women. Admission is free, then there's a pay-what-you-want collection, but they do recommend registering as space is limited. More details at the Eventbrite page.

Ruht wohl

Last night I went to hear Bach's St John Passion at St Paul's Cathedral. The cathedral is not the best acoustic environment for it, to be honest: there's a very long echo and the sound just gets incredibly muddy. Bach is better, I think, with some clarity.The Passion was sung in English. As a rule I tend to prefer singing in the original language and as an audience member I think I feel the same,...

The Week Ahead

This week is looking pretty typical in terms of what I need to do, at least musically.I'm teaching tonight and tomorrow night. I've done most of the preparation for that, but need to remember to bring music with me for my students. I'll be leaving home at 2pm each day and spending a lot of time on public transport... I usually use this time to read. Right now the important reading is all to do...

Brigantia Consort hath a website.

It's very rudimentary, but Brigantia Consort now has a web presence. Yay!Why the rush to get this done? Well, we're busking tomorrow morning at Parliament Hill Farmers' Market, weather permitting, to raise money for Shelter. While we're there we'll also hand out some flyers and maybe even sell tickets for our next concert:BrigantiaConsortWith Merry GleeAn eclectic programme of psalmody,folk music...

Back to Bach

Yesterday I went to the Early Music Festival in Greenwich.It was a little strange being in the area again. Attending a concert in St Alfege church as a member of the public was a little odd but not hugely so, despite the fact that the last time I was there was for my final recital. It was good to hear the Trinity recorders play as I've been doing some playing with recorders myself recently...


I do seem to be having something of a dry spell, in terms of blogging here. I have been quite busy! I composed an anthem; it was sung during a church service on 27th September. The sheet music is available here and a MIDI file here; I don't yet have a suitable recording. The piece is dedicated to Rev Dr Catherine Dowland-Pillinger, on the occasion of her ordination to the priesthood of the Church...

Performance Collective Evening Concert

London Performance Collective7.30pm Evening ConcertTuesday 18th AugustAn Evening filled with music, wine and cake * Rimsky-Korsakov - Flight of the Bumble Bee for bassoon and piano * Otar Taktakishvili - Flute Sonata * Handel - Sonata in G minor Op. 1 No. 6, violin and serpent * Schumann - Fantasiestucke, Op. 12 * Beethoven - Trio - for flute, bassoon, and piano Tickets: £10 (Conc. £6)The Space...

Concert diary

Some more performances coming up!Tomorrow lunchtime I'll be singing at Grosvenor Chapel, South Audley Street, London W1K 2PA. Friday 8th May, 1pmKing William Singers directed by Hilary Campbellpresent a lunchtime concert of contemporary choral music. Programme: Lauridsen O Magnum MysteriumBrown o sapientiaWhitacre Water NightCampbell the isle is full of noisesWhitacre Lux AurumqueWeir...

The Garlickhythe Occasionals and the London Gallery Quire

Long time no post, I know! I've been working hard and learning a lot... and recently I've been having internet problems at home, which tends to scupper posting a bit. I will be playing the serpent twice this weekend! Once will be with the Garlickhythe Occasionals, at a Ceilidh in Highgate on Saturday night. For the more devoutly inclined, on Sunday at 6.30pm I'm playing with the London Gallery...

London Alternative Copyright Choir

Traditional copyright exists in order to protect the rights of creators. The idea is that if they know their work will be protected and they can profit from it, there will be an incentive for them to create new works. This in turn means that consumers or audiences have a wide range of works to choose from. We all benefit from the cultural richness of a diverse range of artists creating a large...