Double Chant in G Major

It's been a while since I wrote an Anglican chant, so here's another. I was thinking broadly of Psalm 27 when I wrote it, but it's in the nature of Anglican chant that it isn't fixed to one set of words, so I present it here with no text. There are some robots singing it (they don't do words either): And there's a PDF to download. As usual, it's CC by-SA which means you can copy it as long as...

Anglican Chant from a metrical psalmody tune…

The choir will be singing the Benedictus at St Andrew's next week, and I've been looking for an appropriate setting. Common Worship has a few metrical settings of the text, one of which is Double Common Metre. This fits to a number of tunes, but perhaps my favourite DCM tune is number 373 in the New English Hymnal -- also known as "Third Mode Melody". This was made famous by Ralph Vaughan...