A nice afternoon out

If you're thinking about coming to Evensong tomorrow (St Mary's Rotherhithe, SE16 4JE at 6pm on Sunday) why not stop by the Brunel Museum first? They open until 5pm, leaving just enough time for a quick half pint at The Mayflower before the service starts.I certainly fancy a wander around the museum. I wonder if I can convince someone to carry the serpent so I'm not too knackered to play it...

London Gallery Quire Evensong

London Gallery Quire will be singing an Evensong at St Mary's Rotherhithe this Sunday, 8th May, at 6pm. I'm really looking forward to it!Here's a very rough sample of one of the pieces. This is just me singing the parts, one take each, so the tuning isn't amazing, the timing is ragged and some of the words aren't very clear. But it's such a wonderful little piece I wanted people to be able to...

FairTrade Fortnight and Metrical Psalmody in Stoke Newington

It's FairTrade Fortnight, which means lots of tasty, guilt-free chocolate floating around, among other things. Others have laid out, far better than I can, the reasons for buying FairTrade when possible, so I won't add much to that except to say that I don't buy tea, coffee or chocolate at all if they aren't FairTrade and I try to avoid non-FT sugar, cotton and bananas. On Sunday, 13th March the...


In the final year of my degree I decided I needed to do more singing, and one thing led to another...I am delighted that we'll be singing and playing Evensong at a church not too far from where I live! It makes carrying the serpent much easier. Playing from the gallery is a treat, too; many galleries have had so many bits of pipe organ added that we can't get into them. EVENSONG AS HARDY KNEW IT...

The Week Ahead

This week is looking pretty typical in terms of what I need to do, at least musically.I'm teaching tonight and tomorrow night. I've done most of the preparation for that, but need to remember to bring music with me for my students. I'll be leaving home at 2pm each day and spending a lot of time on public transport... I usually use this time to read. Right now the important reading is all to do...

Concert diary

Some more performances coming up!Tomorrow lunchtime I'll be singing at Grosvenor Chapel, South Audley Street, London W1K 2PA. Friday 8th May, 1pmKing William Singers directed by Hilary Campbellpresent a lunchtime concert of contemporary choral music. Programme: Lauridsen O Magnum MysteriumBrown o sapientiaWhitacre Water NightCampbell the isle is full of noisesWhitacre Lux AurumqueWeir...