Nunc dimittis

Today is Candlemas. Yesterday I preached at Christ Church Wanstead for the occasion; today I put the finishing touches on my setting of the Nunc dimittis. It's SATB a capella, and a bit crunchy in places; being a bit calmer than some settings, it would be particularly appropriate for use during a service of sung Compline. I've put it up at CPDL as usual but it won't be visible there for another...

Sermon for Candlemas

Candlemas 2015 Christchurch Wanstead, 8am Malachi 3:1-5 Luke 2:22-40 Candlemas is a sort of pivot or turning point in the church calendar. On this day, we look back to the birth of Christ, giving thanks, and we look ahead: to his death and passion, and ultimately to his resurrection. It's time to remove any remaining Christmas decorations, and start thinking about how we might endeavour to have a...