It's been a busy week and it isn't even done yet.Monday I was teaching, then wandered around a bit and found a silk sari for £5 in a charity shop. That prompted me to come home and do some simple sewing, so I now have two new sarongs (hey, I said it was simple), lovely and cool for the hot weather. I was absolutely shattered, unsurprising after my late night on Sunday.Yesterday was a day of...

Fearful Productivity

I have managed to slay many paperwork demons in the last two days. Hooray!Yesterday's horn class with Roger Montgomery went well. It was a very standard sort of class, going through various extracts from the ballet and opera repertoire; the sort of thing that isn't in Probespiel. Next week there will be a single F piston-valve horn and a Vienna horn, and we're going to go through various...

Oren Marshall breathing workshop

On Wednesday, Oren Marshall came to do a breathing workshop with the horns at Trinity.I got a lot of good out of this session, from reminders of breathing exercises long-forgotten to a few new ones I hadn't done before. There was very little playing but what playing we did was methodical and vastly improved by some of the breathing techniques and mouthpiece-alone playing that we did.The best...

Horn Class with Pip Eastop

I've been busy again--but at least I've found somewhere to live, now. On Wednesday afternoon, Pip Eastop came to do a horn class with us.It was a bit of an unenthusiastic start, there was some orchestral music that had been set aside for working on but he didn't really want to do that and neither did any of us, so we worked on specific issues instead.Fluttertonguing:I've always had great...