New Legislative Proposals — what does GS 1886 mean?

Right, if you're not interested in Church of England politics, look away now. Go watch some kittens or something. The House of Bishops has published a report recommending one of four possible legislative proposals drafted by the working group on women in the episcopate. They have recommended Option One. Option One, most simply put, means: 1) make it legal for women to be Bishops 2) remove the...

On the ordination of women — a personal note.

I haven't always been Christian. I was brought up in the United Church of Canada. I think it's fair to say that, on some level, it didn't "take". There are many reasons for this, but a key one is that my relationship with a minister was extremely difficult, and that people close to me also had difficult relationships with him and with other ministers. That relationship coloured my interactions...

General advice during General Synod, part II

Well, that's a bit embarrassing. For the measure on women in the episcopate to pass, it needed a 67% majority in all of three houses: bishops, clergy and laity. It got 94% in the House of Bishops (Yes 44; No 3; Absentions 2), 77% in the House of Clergy (Yes 148; No 45) , 64% in the House of Laity (Yes 132; No 74). So it lost by a whisker, really. Six votes -- or fewer than that and a few...

A Provisional Note

The dear old Church of England has been tying itself into knots of late over the Bishops' amendments to the Measure on Women in the Episcopate. The good bishops made two amendments. One has been welcomed as providing some clarity about exactly from where episcopal power is derived in the case of an alternative bishop being assigned to a parish (essentially it's the inherent bishoppy-ness, not the...