General advice during General Synod, part II

Well, that's a bit embarrassing. For the measure on women in the episcopate to pass, it needed a 67% majority in all of three houses: bishops, clergy and laity. It got 94% in the House of Bishops (Yes 44; No 3; Absentions 2), 77% in the House of Clergy (Yes 148; No 45) , 64% in the House of Laity (Yes 132; No 74). So it lost by a whisker, really. Six votes -- or fewer than that and a few...

General advice during General Synod

The Church of England's General Synod is meeting today and tomorrow. They'll be discussing the Living Wage, other important matters, and also the latest attempt on legislation to include women in the episcopate. Here are some things to remember: 1) We have already decided to have women in the episcopate. Whether it is right to ordain or consecrate women is not up for discussion. What Synod is...