This is one of the pieces from the Musical Hat Draw. I really enjoyed that project, but it didn’t result in a single sale of music! So I’ve decided to release the pieces as I normally would, through Patreon, instead. This text was suggested by TJA Thurman, but written by Francis Thompson. It’s for a small or flexible choir, with piano accompaniment.
An Arab Love-Song
Francis Thompson (1859-1907)THE hunchèd camels of the night
Trouble the bright
And silver waters of the moon.
The Maiden of the Morn will soon
Through Heaven stray and sing,
Star gathering.Now while the dark about our loves is strewn,
Light of my dark, blood of my heart, O come!
And night will catch her breath up, and be dumb.Leave thy father, leave thy mother
And thy brother;
Leave the black tents of thy tribe apart!
Am I not thy father and thy brother,
And thy mother?
And thou—what needest with thy tribe’s black tents
Who hast the red pavilion of my heart?
I haven’t done a proper recording of this yet, though it’s possible that I will. In the meantime, here are some robots:
The sheet music is at CPDL as usual, but may not be visible to non-members for a day or so. If you’d like to see it before then you could become a patron and get access to it right away.