London Gallery Quire Evensong

London Gallery Quire will be singing an Evensong at St Mary’s Rotherhithe this Sunday, 8th May, at 6pm. I’m really looking forward to it!

Here’s a very rough sample of one of the pieces. This is just me singing the parts, one take each, so the tuning isn’t amazing, the timing is ragged and some of the words aren’t very clear. But it’s such a wonderful little piece I wanted people to be able to hear it! Blest who with generous pity glows by artsyhonker

EDIT: The embed thing doesn’t seem to be working but here is a link to the file at Soundcloud.

You can download a PDF of the music from the LGQ website if you want to follow along. The more observant may notice that I’ve put the whole thing down a tone and then transposed the bassline up, in order to accommodate my vocal range.

If you want to hear it done right you’ll have to come to Evensong!