Over on Twitter, some of us are having great fun with #notGB15: it’s for people who, for a number of reasons, aren’t at Greenbelt. Some of us can’t camp. Some of us didn’t want to leave home. Some of us have commitments that prevent us going.
One of the traditions of Greenbelt is “Beer and Hymns”. But I feel a bit silly singing hymns on my own, at home. So tonight, in the Hen’s Wings, there will be “Gin and Chant.” The gin is optional.
I’ll be using this order for Compline and the chant is by the Plainsong Society, if you have a copy. Join in with the bold text, the hymn, the antiphons, and the even-numbered verses of the psalm — we’ll use psalm 91 tonight. (I’ll sing everything, so we don’t lose track of each other over the internet.)
You can listen and sing along here:
artsyhonker is on Mixlr
If that doesn’t work, you can try this direct link to the broadcast.
Don’t forget to get your #notGB15 “tickets” — those of us staying at home are helping people without a home.
This is so exciting! And tickets can be bought at https://www.justgiving.com/NotGB15
Hope to be there! If not, I’ll sing along at home anyway.