Online Carols 2012

Last year I got a direct message from a Twitter acquaintance, asking if I’d like to contribute to an online carol service. It seemed like a good idea, so I did.

That service was a good one to be able to attend, and I enjoyed working on it. Afterward, I was particularly struck by some of the feedback from people who would otherwise be unable to get to any Christmas services.

This year, last year’s coordinators weren’t available… so I am coordinating the service, after a fashion. I’ve invited people I know well and people I don’t know so well to get involved, I’ve tried to update the @onlinepraise Twitter account and use the #onlinecarols2012 hashtag, I’ve set up a simple little WordPress site for the service, I’ve worked out when it should start (2pm on 24th December, just like last year) and planned when Ill do the administrivia of setting up blog posts for each component of the service. It’s all starting to come together, loose ends are being tied up, and it looks like it’s going to be a great service.

A quick re-cap:
Who: Anyone who wants to attend
What: Online Carol Service
When: From 2pm GMT on 24th December
More info: @onlinepraise or the #onlinecarols2012 hashtag.