Last-minute Christmas gift suggestion in six easy steps

1) Go to 2) Pay whatever you want to for my album, "Twelve Days" 3) Download it and save it to a USB stick/dongle/thumbdrive/whatchamacallit 4) Wrap the thumb drive 5) Give it to the intended recipient -- probably someone who hasn't heard the album before. 6) Repeat for other music available on Bandcamp. A couple of tracks from the album are also in Online Carols 2012, starting at 2pm. Do join...

Online Carols 2012

Last year I got a direct message from a Twitter acquaintance, asking if I'd like to contribute to an online carol service. It seemed like a good idea, so I did. That service was a good one to be able to attend, and I enjoyed working on it. Afterward, I was particularly struck by some of the feedback from people who would otherwise be unable to get to any Christmas services. This year, last year's...