
A few weeks ago I stumbled across a call for scores for an instrument I haven’t written for before: the chimes at Gloucester Cathedral. So I entered. The chimes in question are computer-controlled rather than rung by hand, but still have some interesting limitations regarding how quickly notes can repeat.

I was delighted the other week to learn that my submission had been selected for joint second place. It was rather long, though, and the chimekeeper invited me to submit a second draft if I’d like to.

Here is a recording of that draft, with a passing jogger (no, this is not a technical campanology term, just a challenge of recording out of doors):

You can also download the mp3 file.

During Three Choirs Week this tune will feature at 7.15pm on Tues 26th July, and at 8am, 1pm and 4pm on Saturday 30th July. Do go along and have a listen if you are in the area!