
I’ve actually finished a fair amount of music this month: a setting of the beginning of Psalm 19, which was one of the pieces featured in my MPhil upgrade (which I passed, hurrah!), and also a setting of “There Is No Rose of Such Virtue” to have its world premiere in January, all being well. Obviously I can’t put something I’ve promised as a world premiere online before then; and in the meantme, I’d like to leave the setting of Psalm 19 to sit for a while before I put it online.

Instead, here’s a setting of some words by James Merrick:

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And here it is played by robot clarionets:

1. Lift your voice, and thankful sing
Praises to our Heavenly King.
Be the Lord our only theme,
Who of Gods is God supreme;
For his blessings far extend,
And his mercy knows no end.

2. He asserts his just command,
By the wonders of his hand,
He whose wisdom thron’d on high,
built the mansions of the sky;
For his blessings far extend,
And his mercy knows no end.

3. He who bade the watery deep,
Under earth’s foundation sleep;
And the orbs that gild the pole,
Through the boundless ether roll;
For his blessings far extend,
And his mercy knows no end.

4. Thou, O sun, whose powerful ray
Rules the empire of the day;
You, O moon and stars, whose light
Gilds the darkness of the night:
For his blessings far extend,
And his mercy knows no end.

5. He with food sustains, O earth,
All who claim from thee their birth;
Yield the homage that his name
From a creature’s lips may claim;
For his blessings far extend,
And his mercy knows no end.

As usual, it’s available over at the Choral Public Domain Library, and it’s under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.

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